Packing Tape Dispensers



Acre Packaging stocks a large range of pistol grip hand tape dispensers. These simple but ingenious devices allow fast packaging and taping of boxes, bubble wrap, and other types of packaging. They are an invaulable addition to the workplace and never out of sight. There are many different types of tape guns available on the market, but we only seupply ones which are good enough for the professional workplace.

Standard Hand Tape Dispenser

for 50mm, 75mm & 100mm wide tape (75mm core).  These have adjustable brake, safety blade, static suction grip and some have a double edged blade.

Heavy Duty (Premium) Hand Tape Dispenser

for 50mm, & 75mm wide tape (75mm core).  These also have adjustable brake, safety blade and static suction grip.
Note – Blades & tape flaps are available for most hand dispensers.

Bag Neck Tape Dispensers

Acre Packaging can supply bag neck tape dispensers which can be used from 9mm to 25mm tape.  We have plastic, metal, stainless steel & wide neck dispensers.

Bench Mounted Tape Dispensers

Acre Packaging can supply dispensers from the standard desk top dispenser to an electronic pressure sensitive tape dispenser able to dispense lengths from 20mm to 999mm.